Blue snow?

Can anyone explain to me why the snow was blue? It's possible I'm quite dense.


snow is sometimes a bit blue isn't it. Is the clue in the film title?

I don't know otherwise.

The film seemed to use color filters now and again.


Thanks for the reply, andyd-1. I guess it's just one of those things we'll really never know. I did read further on the board and noted other opinions. To quote Yul Brynner in "The King And I," "It's a puzzlement." Also I think there were color filters, too.


Does it even snow in Los Angeles?


Now, THAT'S funny ! ! It hadn't even crossed my mind. Thanks for making me laugh, thomasj27!


It has before but it's not like it happens every winter. One of those once in a decade kind of occurrences.


I saw this thread title mid-way through watching the movie (on consecutive nights) and noted that many scenes have a subtle and atmospheric blue cast. Then yer feller gazes from the church doors and against his face the falling snow is indeed quite blue-looking. Fair enough. Then he crouches, and picks up a handful, and man! That snow is BRIGHT BLUE! I think someone overdid the dye.


it's symbolic of how much wank this movie turned out to be, and just how hard the writer director was trying to be dramatic and poetic


I'm just about to return this movie after having rented it over the holidays (I'd seen it before, online, and TOTALLY forgotten it was a Christmas movie, but I guess it was really appropriate I decided to rent it for Christmas).

At any rate, I watched the short about making the movie, and they put blue dye in ALL the snow they used -- the "real snow" they made use ice chippers, as well as various types of "fake snow" (the type that doesn't melt), often used on movie and TV sets.

The director talked about how and why he was using the blue snow to try to send a message, but he never exactly said what the message is. My guess is that he had blue standing in for hope, or love, perhaps -- maybe not romantic love, per se, but love on a more spiritual level.

At any rate, I really enjoyed the movie, and would have even if I hadn't finally gotten to see how truly beautiful Jessical Biel is.
Jeff Hayes


The entire movie, not just the snow, was one of the more egregious examples of blue/orange digital color correction. It's not just this movie, it's lots of them, but this one is especially awful.


Blue is featured in every scene, even if it is only the character's eye color.



I think it symbolizes the purification process. Each characters experiences redemption through opening his or her heart, hence purification.


I liked the movie but when the blue snow fell it reminded me of Breaking Bad lol
