White People Bad?

The more I watch this the more I realize all the white people are either crazy, pompous, evil, or psycho killers.


Or diversity goes wild?


All the police, prison guards, the medical examiner, FBI, etc are ALL people of color (except for a few extras on the swat team). While ALL the bad guys, crazies and psycho killers are white.

The most normal white person is the sister, and she's a self centered b****


You are replying to yourself.


Thanks Einstein, lol


Are you white?




People who are white it has been so ingrained in us that we are harming people.


The deranged murderers in the 4th *and* 5th episodes were black, so... no


Considering that the majority of serial killers are white men, that makes sense.


That's not true. In America the majority are black guys.


Actually, most shows with an all white cast, have all white villains and all white heroes. When a Black person does show up they are usually a bad guy, excluding of course the one good guy token Black. With this show, there were a lot more good Black people than you are used to and hardly any Black criminals which you are also used to. That is why it seems so off kilter to you. Most white shows, run by white networks, written by white writers etc. etc. under represent white people as criminals and over represent them as victims, the exact opposite is true for Black people in movies and television. And since 84% of white people murder, beat and rape other white people, and the majority of serial killers, serial rapists, serial pedophiles etc. are white, it is not surprising that the bad guys in the show are in fact white. Hope this helps.
