Is it good??

I didnt get round to seeing this but thought it looked pretty good. So is it worth seeing?



Worth seeing? Yes.

A must see? No.

I've you've already seen some of the other comedies you want to see, I'd check it out.

The Rocker -6/10
Step Brothers -10/10


yeah its worth seeing. i just finished watching and it was very funny. if you like school of rock then you will like this.


I'll make sure i get round to it then. Thanks


I enjoyed it more than Burn After Reading and Hellboy 2. Make of that what you will. It gets off to a weak start (feels very 'stagey') but pulls it together about halfway through, and there are some nice running gags. And although Wilson is obviously being directed to be 'Jack Black Lite' he does what he can to make the most of his lines. An above average comedy, certainly, but not a classic. Fun ride though, and definately one I'd see twice.
