MovieChat Forums > Lost Boys: The Tribe (2008) Discussion > I don't think I'll ever watch this,so sp...

I don't think I'll ever watch this,so spoil it for me

No offence to the fans,but just give me a quick synopsis, please

badgers? badgers!? WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' BADGERS!!!


Do yourself a favour and DO NOT watch this.
I am a huge fan of the original and decided to give this movie a chance; but a kick to the nuts would've been more enjoyable.

Basically you've got dumb brother/sister moving to new town - they meet up with some surfer vamps - sister gets turned into vamp by bad acting lead vamp - brother enlists help from tool Corey Feldman - they go to find vamps - much bad dialogue ensues - vamps die and sister is saved.

I'm just glad I didn't pay money for this piece of crap.

I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass....and I'm all out of bubble gum


Thanks,I thought as much.

badgers? badgers!? WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' BADGERS!!!


"Basically you've got dumb brother/sister moving to new town - they meet up with some surfer vamps - sister gets turned into vamp by bad acting lead vamp - brother enlists help from tool Corey Feldman - they go to find vamps - much bad dialogue ensues - vamps die and sister is saved."

And just how is that different from the original movie? You're acting like The Lost Boys was a Godfather-quality masterpiece. It's not. The sequel stays true to the spirit of the original and it is a damn good installment, specially considering it's been almost 30 years since the original.


In the first one, there is more of a build up before Michael is turned into a vamp. Also, it's not as easy to turn the half vamps back into humans.

IMO, TLB is much better. The only good thing about the second one, is that it was only 90 minutes long and not the usual 2+ hours that most movies seem to be now. And at least I knew it was crap before I rented it.

And it's only 20 years since the first one was done.

Initiation's over, Michael. Time to join the club!
