Good little flick

Having never seen the first one, I gotta say I liked it. How can you find any fault with a film that has a decapitation in the first five minutes, and Tom Savini to boot! It's not the first movie, never tried to be, and I am sure it's easier to enjoy if you put aside the comparisons. Fun vampire actioner.


"am sure it's easier to enjoy if you put aside the comparisons"

You don't even need to do that.

These guys are all just purists with sticks up their asses. I've been a fan of The Lost Boys since it came out, and I found this sequel to be just as enjoyable as the first film.


Cheers to that!



I found this movie incredibly boring.
The story and characters were so poorly written it was laughable.
I'm all for a good dumb horror movie but this was too dumb for me.

I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass....and I'm all out of bubble gum


It was... entertaining. The first one was a lot better of course, but this one wasn't so bad. I thought there could've been more to it though.

I may be dirt... but you're the one who likes to roll in it


im sorry but this was a horrible sequel..


I'm sorry, but your opinion is short, to the point, and idiotic.


so is your face..
