MovieChat Forums > Lost Boys: The Tribe (2008) Discussion > So, did Vampires ever exsist?

So, did Vampires ever exsist?

Just a random question I thought I'd stick on this bored... I'm sure there a lot of you who are interested in what other people think on the subject...

Was there any proof? Or is it all just fiction?



what are you on?

of course not. there's never been any tangible proof of the existance of vampires. nobody would bother to take it seriously. plus if vampires have been existing since the midevil times today, somebody would've found it out. I bet there were a few crazies who liked to bite people and sleep in a coffin. but people don't really go that crazy very often.


What about werewolves? jk.


The short answer to your question is,yes, scietifically there are vampires. There are severeal species of living things which can be called vampires simply because they drink blood.Drinking blood is the characteristic,not having superhuman powers,immortality or any of that other nonsence. If you use that characteristic as vampyric there are definitely bampires,including humans,existing in nature.In truth,vampires, especially the human vampires, are not cool,sexy or immmortal.They are just pathetic.xcaiv


There are people who are allergic to light (like the children in The Others - that's a real disease); that probably contributed to the legends. And throughout history, there have been cults that drink blood; Christians probably labeled them vampires. So in terms of people drinking blood, yes; in terms of people turning into bats and sleeping in coffins, no.

As for werewolves, there is a disease that causes a person to be fantastically hairy (Congenital Generalized Hypertrichosis - also known as Wolfman Syndrome). Also, there's another disease that I heard about on a werewolf documentary, a curable brain disease that actually makes you feel like you have claws and fangs and are turning into a wolf.



No - vampires do not exist. No - there is zero proof. Yes - it is all fiction.

The only mammals that survive through hematophagy (the drinking of blood) are vampire bats.
Other than that it is restricted to insects and some fish.

Apparantly Mongols used to drink horses blood to stave dehyration and it has been known for Scythians to ritually drink the blood of their first slain enemy in battle. These people are not vampires.

Most Humans that drink blood do not do it to survive - they do it because they're impressionable idiots that have watched Twilight too many times.

In short, vampires don't - and never have - existed.
If anyone tells you otherwise, kick them in the nuts because they're too damn stupid to breed.


It's amusing that you keep referencing Twilight... seeing how that there are many other cult phenomena that would contribute to the romanticism of vampires and contribute to the hype. You certainly have it out for Twilight. Hahaha. That's awesome.

Silence is not an acceptable answer.


I agree with your observation that there are plenty of other vampire movies that have contributed to vampire hype.
The reason I have it out for Twilight is because it is probably the second most atrocious vampire movie to cause people to start whacking off to the undead. (Queen of the Damned was much worse but it lacked the manic fanbase of Twilight).

And on that note I am going to go to the Queen of the Damned forums and start raging.


Yea, but people that 'practice vampirism' and file their teeth are not actually vampires any more than i'm a cyclops if i poke out an eye, or a centaur if i stitch a horse onto my arse. They're just obsessive and deluded.



hahaha - holycrap that was awesome.
Pretty much answers the OPs question too.


They aren't the undead creatures you see on TV & Movies, but yes vampires do exist. There are people who file down their teeth into fangs & those who drink blood & not always human blood either. I've heard of people drinking cow's blood & then there's that disease photosensitivity where you can be allergic to sunlight where it leaves blisters or a rash on your skin.


The greatest thought that comes to the mind of man: 'someone cares'


People that file their teeth are not vampires.
People that have a rare genetic aversion to sunlight are not vampires.
People that ceremonally or otherwise drink cows blood are not vampires.

A vampire by definition is an undead creature that sustains eternal life by drinkin the blood of the living.


So NO vampires DO NOT EXIST.
Now shut up you stupid stupid people. Stop watching *beep* Twilight.

I'm ashamed that I'm even keeping a thread with such an insanely retarded title alive by replying.


disturbed, you don't have to be such an a-hole about it! Vampires do exist. I found a website on the subject & this is 1 part.

Do vampires really exist?
The answer to this question depends on your definition of the word vampire. If you feel that vampires are the creatures depicted in movies such as Near Dark and in books such as Dracula and Interview With A Vampire, then I would have to say no. To date, I have not met or even heard of a verifiable creature such as that.

If on the other hand, you believe that vampires are people who are basically normal with the exception of one or two abnormalities such as hypersensitivity to light, heightened psychic abilities, and the physical need to consume blood, then my answer would be yes.

You can read more here:


The greatest thought that comes to the mind of man: 'someone cares'


Hmmm very compelling reading on that site you linked Tonee.
I found it especially fascinating that the author would be using "all the vampires" she has met as reference.
Do you think she has met Colin Fry? I bet he dabbles in a wee thimble of ACTUAL blood with all the other head vampires (and I don't doubt that he's a head vampire what with his remarkably heightened psychic abilities).
I just hope a shot of the red stuff is enough to quench his physical need for blood or he would surely wither and die much as a human would if their physical need for water were not satisfied.
Now that I think about it - I get rather sensitive to light in the mornings and often go an entire day wearing glasses and covering up to elude the suns rays. I'm fairly certain I'm a vampire too. In fact, I'm completely certain that all it would take is for me to buy some fishnet stockings to wear on my arms, apply lots of makeup and proclaim that my name is now Count Disturbula and then the transformation would be complete.
As long as I LOOK like all the other vampires I meet and force down the (thankfully) minute quantity of blood that we insist on ritually drinking once a fortnight then maybe i'll be on my way to forming my own coven! I'll make a rule that only skinny vampires can join which will mean that there won't be any females and I will also make a website about vampires with an awesome blog! As long as I make sure the site has a black background with red writing then it will definately be clear to visitors that this is a site about Vampires shamone. Never mind that it's almost impossible to read - the target audience are all psychic anyway.


Whatever dude! You believe what you want & I'll believe what I want!


The greatest thought that comes to the mind of man: 'someone cares'


Does Bloodwurst count? Not as tasty as drinking blood but much safer.


by - disturbednakedchild on Thu Jan 22 2009 15:18:44

Yea, but people that 'practice vampirism' and file their teeth are not actually vampires any more than i'm a cyclops if i poke out an eye, or a centaur if i stitch a horse onto my arse. They're just obsessive and deluded.

Shame on you disturbednakedchild!!!!

That post made my beer come out of my nose and thus wasted a perfectly good beer.

Excellent analogy though.



In my research:

Vampyre was the walking dead in medieval times, more commonly known as zombie. Vampires are romanticized versions of zombies. Think about it: turning a living being once bitten into another of their kind, feeding off of the living (flesh or blood), they are the living/walking dead. One is in theory brainless and the other intelligent, alluring and not as decomposing as its counterpart.

Now, being from the Gulf Coast and hearing rumors and folklore of vodounists and zombie dust, it is said that there are zombies, but I don't believe it's the actual walking dead. Their vital signs might be weak that a physical examination would say that they are, however the victim is actually drugged with a combination of different plant extracts/chemicals. That would explain the vacant state they're in and the reduced vital signs. Supposedly the Mambo or Hougon who drugged the victim has some control (although not necessarily mystical, probably something akin to hypnotism/power of suggestion) over the victims actions.

I have no scientific proof to back anything. I am not a scientist. Just sharing thoughts and ideas I came across. Do I think Vampires are real, mythical creatures that drink blood for sustenance and have supernatural powers, I don't know. If they had such powers, they might have some rules and ways to hide their existence from people who would want to kill them. It's fun to think that thy might exist. As a writer and a reader it's fun to think they might, but I will not give any definite answer as to yes or no.

Silence is not an acceptable answer.
