MovieChat Forums > Lost Boys: The Tribe (2008) Discussion > Angus Sutherland worst actor ever?

Angus Sutherland worst actor ever?

Wow. That guy was bad. Granted, it was a straight to DVD flick, but come on, is it possible to be that stilted and stagey? Yikes.

"Doc, I'll get all the sleep I need when I'm dead. Thanks for the dance."



"Yes, I should've, but in my defense, I didn't"
-King Of Queens


I agree. It was painfully bad. It was like he was trying to be so cool or suave or something, but it just came off as unbelievably cheesy and fake. Ouch


doesnt hold a candle to his brother


ok i get you. seriously he is a bad actor, but this movie was totally made for us nerds! so, if youre a total "vampire" or "Lost Boys" nerd. wouldnt you like too see keither`s younger sibling in a followup? i saw it just like hours ago and i thaught it was *beep* awesome! i saw the the first one 1997 for the first time and i feel totally the same! spread the word!


No, just no.

The guy can't act.

Baby:"Ain't the only thing tasty in this house."

Lestatic #2


strong resembelence to a young keifer, i don't think he did a bad job in the movie.

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


I love Corey Feldman, but I don't think Angus Sutherland was any worse than Corey in this movie. Everybody acted badly, just Corey's performance didnt appear too bad because he had much less screen time and his character is all tongue in cheek anyway. Oh, and I at least i remember Angus Sutherland; i can't even think what the main character looked like a few months since i saw it.


His voice is weird.

"I'm dazed and confused and clueless too." -Me


Ugggghhh I hate Douchey Feldman and this show SUCKED! Oh my, the acting, the direction, the writing! What were they thinking making this train wreck of a movie??

The main kid was the only saving grace but he wasn't enough to keep this crap afloat. Ew.


He was bad to the extream. Ranks up there with Joe Estivas, Martin Sheen's brother. Painfully so bad as to be funny. His slow talking trying to be cool act just made him come off as being semi retarded. Between him and Feldman this movie deserves to be a cult classic.


I actually think Corey Feldman is worse than Angus. Angus is pretty damn sexy . I wouldn't mind becoming a vampire for him, however id prob prefer his friend.


I've only seen 30 seconds of him so far, and already he's pretty bad.

... and no; I don't want a Sutherland in it just for the sake of it. If you can't get Donald or Kiefer then don't bother. I actually think you'd be better off with Kiefer's garbage-man than Angus!

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