

"When you're slapped you'll take it and like it."


Actually in the grand scheme of things it wasn't too bad.

Try watching "The day the earth stopped"

No amount of busty naked woman running onscreen could save that one.

Nothing compared to the original though considering:

Poor wooden acting by the lead cast - to be honest I thought I was watching another film in the "American Pie" series.

Overacting by Feldman - did this guy even care? Ok to be fair only his one liners.

Poor camera angles and effects, I mean seriously buffy managed more atmosphere than this.

Unoriginal script.


lol the script was just like the first movie,

lead actors new in town

local juvie gang is vampires

local juvie vamp gang tries to add more juvies to there gang

in both films feldman helps lead actor fight vamps and save family member at end.

what would of made it better is feldman having one liners that an actual 30 plus year old man would say and not 14 year old boy.

would of been better if they didnt take the story line from the first one and make it into this one.

would of been nice if haim could stay clean enough to atleast do the 10 secs of deleted scene that he did do. (which fyi was horrible acting)
the lost boys the frist movie, its like that cute little puppy you love and protech.

the tribe is like watching that puppy of your get ran over and over and over again till its just a pile of guys and fur on the road.

p.j pecse killed my puppy.


Blame Feldman and his stupid wife.
I have my own opinions...shock...horror


bad movie...
far better dtv here


Eh, I've seen movies that were much worse. At least this one was entertaining.

You are not alone among strangers, a way has been chosen.


I've seen my share of really bad movies and this one is certainly on the list. I am such a huge fan of the original Lost Boys and did expect a wee bit more than the usual Edgar Frog language. And even that was just bad. Did Corey Feldman all of a sudden forget how to act? I mean, gee, bad bad movie and total no no for all genre fans.

The original movie set a whole new vampire movement in motion. Vampires were sexy, it was fun and all that Nosferatu and Count Dracula stuff was finally out of our system. We were taken into a new world and a whole new vampire "lifestyle" followed. Take Angel or Spike, Henry from Blood Ties or even poor tortured Edward Cullen. No more cape wearing master of bats with a bad haircut and an even worse dialect.

I'm sorry, but this one awful movie is just ridiculous and nothing but a waste of time. And a very sad disappointment as well.
