
We need to halt WB attempting to make LB3. The Tribe was a disgusting mess that tarnished the name of Lost Boys.

If they even consider making it to go on the big screen it will be Prom Night and Black Christmas rolled into one. This cannot happen and I will make sure of it.

If anyone is sending constructive criticism to WB then just round up all of my threads and forward them on. They should get the message.

On the upside Fast and Furious, Wolverine, and TF2 look awesome.

God speed people.

Body definition has never been this good

Too cool for school!!


Oh no. Please, away with you.



Indeed, what you gonna do?


I have over 5000 names on a petition, not to mention the threat of people hijacking the delivery vans if this film is ever released.

I have it on good authority that it is not going to happen, so you can all dry off your panties and start concentrating on real movies. This Friday sees the release of Transformers 2, sure to be a smash just like the first one.

Lost Boys should have been laid to rest in 1987. You don't see them trying to make a Big 2 do you?

The Tribe is now down to £5.99 which says it all. The worst film since Elf.

Body definition has never been this good

Witness my fitness 2009


boo yah. remove your head from your ass. warner brothers dont care what you think. lost boys two was worth it just for the two coreys stand off at end!


Gotta leave boo yah alone he's been lost with out his man. He was wrong about LB2 success on DVD and he's spending alot of time unhappy. He's a joke, watch he'll give you a good laugh being himself. Give the man a chance.

"I'm lost in development hell and my map burned up!"


i dont want a LB3, not because of boo yahh reason.

im just tried of watching the recovering junkie childhood stars trying to recover whatever is left of there careers by taking roles that are for child hood stars.

there has got to be a time where someone tells them damit junkies your 30 plus years old, stop acting like kids and get a real job.
