great movie good acting

saw alot of people were disking on this film i really enjoyed it and the acting,,,thought they were all quite good in it


Even Angus. "Heeeeeeeeey, maaaaaaaaaaan, liiiiiiiiiiike, we're vampireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees."

If you love Bacon and are 100% proud of it copy this and put it as your signature! WWBD?


I don't think we watched the same movie.




You're kidding right? Please tell me you're kidding.

(He's kidding right?!)


no sir m not love both of the lost boys movies,,really enjoyed it,,some people like different movies,,slumdog millionaire won 8 oscars could hardly set through it,,,,,sorry you didn't like it,,,,


Some people also froce themselves to like some moives like lost boys the tribe because its the only sequel to there cult classic.

i think the tribe was going for a metaphor. and that is metaphor for crap movie.


I WORSHIP The Lost Boys and this movie just insulted it in my opinion. As far as I am concerned, The Lost Boys HAS no sequel!


I've seen my share of really bad movies and this one is certainly on the list. I am such a huge fan of the original Lost Boys and I expected a wee bit more than the usual Edgar Frog language. And even that was just bad. Did Corey Feldman all of a sudden forget how to act? I mean, gee, bad bad movie and a total no no for all genre fans. I mean, if you're making a sequel to a movie like The Lost Boys then - please - at least try to stick a wee bit to the original storyline! Where was Michael and Star? Where was Grandpa? And what the heck did Angus Sutherland try to do? He was so trying to act cool and suave or whatever, but he was just bad. Sounded like a very slow talking retard with a stick up his butt.

The original movie set a whole new vampire movement in motion. Vampires were sexy and cool, everything was fun and all that "Nosferatu and Count Dracula" stuff was finally out of our system. We were taken into a new world and a whole new vampire "lifestyle" followed. Take Angel or Spike, Henry from Blood Ties or even poor tortured Edward Cullen. No more cape wearing master of bats with a bad haircut and an even worse dialect.

I'm sorry, but this one awful movie is just ridiculous and nothing but a waste of time. And a very sad disappointment as well.

And when in the world did Sam become a vampire? How? Who bit him?


well i enjoyed it ,,thought it was very good,,i saw a vampire movie called bled,,i believe it is the worst vampir movie i ever saw,,,,some people liked it,,i thought it was CRAP!!!!!!!!!sorry u didn't like this one i did,,,maybe the movie we discuss we may agree have a good one
