MovieChat Forums > Lost Boys: The Tribe (2008) Discussion > Corey Haim NEEDS to be in LB3!

Corey Haim NEEDS to be in LB3!

Nuff said.

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.


No, he doesn't. His personal problems affect his ability to do his job.


Yes he does. His personal problems need to be pushed aside. The deleted scenes are the coolest part of The Tribe. A whole new movie with Edgar and Sam would be sweet. His personal problems can be a part of the movie. Maybe an infected vampire bite or something.

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.


What I mean is that it affects his ability to act. He has a drug addiction and it's affecting his performance. He was uneven at best in the deleted scenes--even though I agree with you about how cool they were in concept. He isn't a strong enough actor at present, and at least from The Two Coreys, he's also moody and volitile, and seemed impossible to work with. If he wasn't having these problems and could be a stronger actor in the part, I'd say "go for it", but as it is, simply being Corey Haim isn't sufficient. I hope he overcomes these things and becomes a more consistant actor.


He seemed pretty consistant in Crank 2.

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.


Feldman can't act when sober so having a stoned Haim is not going to bring down the quality of the movie.


I agree, your right about the tribe I was waiting for Haim's part and here is was only about a minute long hopefully they can work out there differances and come together for the third one........


Especially since the Frog Brothers are set to take center stage, Sam should be center stage too.

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.


If there is gonna be a LB3 it wont have the Frog Brothers. The way Edgar kept talking about losing a family member I'm betting Allen is dead. I'm thinking the Frogs and Sam attacked some vamps. Sam got bit and Allen got killed, or maybe Sam killed Allen.


Feldman stated LB3 will focus on the Frog brothers. Now Haim needs to return. From what I have read the details are still unclear whether the story will continue from the alternate deleted ended from LB2.

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.


I dont know why they wouldnt ask Haim to do it!!Its not like its a big movie.He played his part well in Crank 2,and that movie was alot better than The Thirst will be.Most of the people who hate on Haim so much have no idea of what is going on.Remember,reality shows arent reality


I totally agree.

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.


Well. So much for this, eh?


I guess you could say Edgar won the face off!

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.


He's an actor. Let him act and not let his personal life be the deciding factor on whether he should be a part of this movie or not.

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.


Well, he isn't going to be in LB3, but should be in LB4.


If I were him, I just wouldn't be involved in any of this at all. I mean look he was in the GOOD ONE! Nuff said there. I'm sure he's doing ok with money, so why bother??

Like I said, he was in the only good "Lost Boys" movie. That's actually a plus for him.



Yeah - thoughts are with him family. :(



I know. That's too bad.

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.


What kind of sick joke is this? He is dead, creep.




isnt he dead?



Ill catch you on the flip side.
