Where can I watch it?

Is it online anywhere??

"Look at us but do not touch"


I wish I knew a way of watching it. I've been looking forward to it for three years but still no release looking likely, having spoken to Wardour Productions :-(


it's available On Demand across the whole country


If I don't live in the us
is the movie available on internet can i download somewhere or watch it in streaming thanks a lot


You can watch it On Demand if you have. I watched it last night. I really enjoyed it. Most of Hemingway's Book which became movies are awful. He even was quoted saying that. I thought they did a fantastic job with a posthumous novel. I thought it was well cast, and well done. I will most likely watch again quite soon.


I don't live in the us so i can't watch it. I'm looking for a link where i can watch it on internet
please i'm really fed up of waiting


Sorry to hear that. If I find something I will post it.


Thank you so much


It is on Amazon streaming videos for rent, around $3 dollars US

