Christian is the best

I'm really looking forward to this film. Christian is such a great guy. I hope it makes a Trillion dollars for him. He deserves it.
David Parker


So making money is what it's all about? Good luck. This film won't generate enough to cover its costs.

Dumb plot, poorly written, poorly directed, poorly acted. I (along with the handful of others watching it) chuckled at some of the silliest, contrived serious moments.

LDS cinema has become garbage. This is just the latest dumb film to come out.


News flash Dave Holley: the movie HAS recovered its' costs & more. (Got THAT one from someone who actually knows) But hey, since you're the new critical voice in LDS Cinema, why don't YOU tell the rest of us dumb idiots how it should be done, huh??? People like you disgust me. You get a real rush coming on a board and ripping something you had absolutely NOTHING to do with---Wait, that's it! You wanted a job on this film, but your resume was a little thin, and you got passed over. I have been in the theater too, and way more than a handful of people were there, and comments after were very positive. Seriously, YOU go out and raise the money, make you OWN LDS film, and then the rest of us idiots that happened to like this movie can come and rip it apart. You're entitled to your opinion, but so am I, and this is mine: you're a t**d.


Well, the movie hasnt really reclaimed its costs but the film maker sure has. Hell, he reclaimed his cost and more long before this film even came to theaters. And thats from someone who actually knows.

LDS theatrical is dead. No one is going to get behind them anymore because LDS viewers dont care. Sure, this movie is beautifully shot and the "story" is cute, but the LDS population have seen it been done time and time again. The fact this film has done soo poorly in box office (can you say $120,000 between 20 theaters??) shows that there isnt a reason to keep making these films.

Moviemaker its obvious by just your name and the boards you've been posting on (only Erin Chambers) you have a lot emotionally invested in LDS film. It isnt going anywhere buddy and I beg, no I challenge you, you to try to make a decent LDS film that LDS viewers will care about.







I can feel your pain, Adam. But don't you think Christian deserves some credit for making a film in a foreign country that was theatrically released and cost less than any of the other Mormon films released in theaters? In fact, a third of the cost of Singles Ward or a fifth of the cost of Charly or Church Ball. How is that possible? Did all these other filmmakers waste all this money? Or put it in their own pocket? I also know that most if not all films produced in this community were not financed by the filmmakers, so your expectation seems a bit odd. Make movies, not war!



Wow, oh wow, that's funny. So who do you suppose gave him the "ridiculous amount of money?" Thanks for the laughs.

Deseret Book. to the tune of around $500,000


$500,000 huh? And you think it all went into Christian's pocket?

I know they (well Excel) bought rights to distribute the film... Not sure what the logic is behind thinking it all went to Christian though. There is this silly little thing called return on investment... Sorry, I didn't mean to bore you with business logic. Boring, I know.


Wow. You caught me. I'll admit to one thing: I think Ms. Chambers is the best, and I've had a crush on her since I worked with her sometime ago on a project in Utah. (Too bad she's married.) Haven't been a 'tard for several years, but did catch this flick over Labor Day when I was there visiting. (B/C she was in it.) I stand by my report. People liked the film. You may be right about LDS cinema being dead, but isn't that a matter of taste, or lack of it by those who supposedly are the target audience? I ask you again: why don't YOU come up an idea (Of course, it MUST be original), write the screenplay, cast it, hire just the right crew, direct it, edit it,produce it, and market it. I work in the business in the LA area, and I look forward to your endeavor.



Actually, her married last name is not her stage name. On the other topic, my premise is those that can, do, and those that can't, criticize. You are certainly allowed to have your opinion about anything....but your post just above mine was pseudo-intellectual crap. But then, that's just my opionion. Good luck in your burgeoning movie-making career. Look me up when you get to L.A.

