On TV...

Everyone involved in this little production deserves more exposure...but I'm not confident that they're going to be able to translate some of the raunchier aspects of the show (see: Rod) to CBS. It's the free and uncensored interplay between the characters that sets this little show apart and makes it such fantastic work. CBS won't let a character walk onscreen and say, "GAY!" or "This is my pregnant vagina."

It deserves a different venue. HBO would be ideal. It'd give them the freedom to do exactly what they are already doing, only better. Look at what they did for THE FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS.

Putting this on network TV would only sanitize it and, in doing so, take away everything that makes it unique.They're so concerned with the family demographic. I'm not being cynical--you can't put something like this on the networks and have it retain the same quality. (Which isn't to say that there were never any good network comedies (See: Seinfeld, Simpsons) only that they don't operate on the same comedic wavelenth as WNG).
