Mr Fussy?

Am I wrong, or wasn't Mr Fussy, Mr Persnickety Last year?

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Apparently, the children didn't like the name "Persnickety" because 1. it was hard to pronounce in their young tongues, and 2. I think the artists liked the name "Fussy" better.


What bothers me more is that Mr Persnickety/Fussy is now a much darker green. Did he go to Tahiti? Lol.

They should have just kept him Mr Fussy from the beginning. But at least they could just change his name - poor Miss Calamity got cut from the show entirely for the same reason they changed Fussy's name. So why not change her to "Miss Disaster" or "Miss Accident" or something? :/

I miss Miss Calamity. I thought she was cool.



I just noticed that too! It's annoying!
