DVD release date(s)

I'm looking forward to this documentary. Lovefilms official release date is set to 8:th of October, but it seems odd they are the only one who have announced a release date yet. Anyone know if that is the actual date?


I know nothing about the rights; in fact, I heard of the movie as a free download from this site. http://homepage.mac.com/keld_bach/FileSharing25.html

I should warn you -- he's a Fourierist.


why do you "warn" about something that you don't define. Instead of making it sound ominous like "fascism" or fornicator or plagerist or foreigner.....

Fou·ri·er·ism (fr--rzm)
A system for social reform advocated by Charles Fourier in the early 19th century, proposing that society be organized into small self-sustaining communal groups.


*Sigh* It's a quote from the movie METROPOLITAN.


You should be aware that most peoples' signatures are movie quotes of some kind.

I should warn you -- he's a Fourierist.


you can see it on youtube.com
