Best scene

The scene where he trains his son up to confront the bully was one of the best things I have ever seen, the use of music, the intensity of Carlyle's words.

I have to admit I watched this scene a few times.

"Hell is a place much like London"


Yeah I agree with you. Very good scene. What made it all the better is that you think Carlyle might psyche his boy up into getting violent with he other boy but he basically is telling his lad to just have the balls to go up and front the other kid out, just with words and actions.

Really good film; I was surprised how absorbed I got with it because at first I thought it was veering towards being a bit dull but after 20 odd minutes you do get drawn in more and that is credit to a great cast- Carlyle -as always excellent, and old veterans Karl Johnson and David Bradley. The kid was a good find too. He was a really believable young actor and had good chemistry with Carlyle.
I'm glad Justin Kerrigan's made another film after such a long gap. Human Traffic was a really great film and he should definitely have been making more films. He's a talented writer/director.
But yeah this was a really good film and a good story.
Some funny moments in what turned out to be a very original drama.
Was geting a bit teary at the end I don't mind admitting. Very moving.

Trade- phenodihydrochloride benzelex
Street- the embalmer


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