Just Plain Bad!

You'd think in a faux movie like this there'd be MORE T&A then just 2 scanks topless only once thru out the entire crapfest.

The top billed females dont go topless! Whats the point?! Hot off the viewing press from ZOMBIE STRIPPERS (which looks like SCHINDLERS LIST compared to this), I'd hoped this would have even *more* bouncing betties. I was wrong.

Like a porn movie WITHOUT the porn (I've seen better porn movies with BETTER scripts then this), this retarded "comedy with horror elements" should never have been made. With weak references to pop culture; ugly women (the cottage cheese legged chick washing cars - come on - we dont need to see that); lack of T & A and shameful license to use uber LAME butt-rock as the soundtrack - this goes beyond camp/stupid to somewhere between home movie and anti-film work ethic.

PROS: None.
CONS: Gives horror/comedy flics a bad name; no hot naked chicks; the music.

