MovieChat Forums > Swing Vote (2008) Discussion > Who would Molly have voted for?

Who would Molly have voted for?

When Molly was going to vote for her father, who do you think she was going to pick for president?



Whoever is a liberal socialist democrat. If Lenin was running against Karl Marx she would have to comit suicide rather then betray the shining star of communism. Stalin would be proud of her.


This annoyed me because she didn't seem to like either of the candidates when she met them, rather the opposite. I just couldn't see her actually voting for either.


Yeah, but then again, I voted in the last presidential election and there were more than two choices, it's just that the two parties the elephants and jackasses are what everybody focuses on.


So only socialist communists would care about our country, democracy and how the poor are treated right?


If you watch enough liberal media controlled news, you would be programmed to love democrat/liberal/socialist/communist ideals. Liberals hate homeless people, why else would they live in exclusive gated communities, door-man luxury buildings and be surrounded by armed bodyguards while preaching hypocrisy. Do as I say, not as I do is the quote of the Communist elite.


No, they're just the one's who could propagandize the public to think that they care. Republicans freed the slaves. Democrats did everything they could to keep men in chains and sold on auction blocks. When it comes to caring about the poor, Republicans offer a hand up, Democrats offer a hand out in exchange for a vote to keep themselves in power.

Eat, drink, and be fat and drunk...


Probably the Democrat. She seemed like a progressive little girl.

What's progressive about socialism?


Personally I think she would have gone independent. i dont think she really liked either major party.


Who could?


She would of voted Democrat. Our MTV generation is so brainwashed, it doesnt matter what the democrat stands for, she would never vote republican. Oh yeah, the only thing progressive about socialism is that it progresses us towards destroying this country. Your liberal media decided to make the words socialism/liberalism/leftist into a word that sounds cool and new. its called marketting, the only thing that the left knows how to do.


I never cease to be amazed at the stupidity of the average brainwashed American voter. You've just had eight years where the Republicans trashed your country - plus the four they spent doing nothing but playing political games to stalemate Clinton - and you can still turn around and come out with BS like this.

Do you not yet understand what has happened to your country? You are insolvent, you are reduced to printing worthless currency and T-bills because nobody will buy your worthless junk and you are at the beginning of the biggest financial collapse in history.

It wouldn't be so bad if you had a clue what the words you so despise mean. But you don't, and that has everything to do with the mainstream media and liars like Fox, and nothing to do with MTV.


I think we are in a lot better position to assess the state of OUR country than you. Go home johnny foreigner!


And that, of course, is where - and why - you're so wrong. Us Johnny Foreigners, who pick up the tab for your existence every single day, actually use the internet for things other than watching porn. We have views which are unbiased, unlike your Fox 'News' loving populace. Your betters love to call the NYT and WaPo 'liberal', but you haven't got a clue what the word even means.

There's no point in sitting there in complacent ignorance, as you have been allowed and encouraged to do for decades. The party's over, my friend, and your country is finished, financially. Get used to being the chimp in the corner rather than the 600lb gorilla.


Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive Republican President.


the democrat. she seemed well informed and very caring of the people, so it would only make sense.

Nobody calls Han Solo a Dirtbag!


She would vote Democrat, but it seemed to me that Bud would have voted Republican. Heck, I'm a Democrat, and I would have voted for Boone. He seemed to be a better candidate than Greenleaf.


Well I'm Republican and I think I would've voted Greenleaf. He actually seemed to want to stick to the issues, whereas Boone was more concerned with how white his teeth were.


Nobama (or Dennis Hopper)...

The NEA has a strangle hold on our kids, they are most definitely pro-Democrat. No republican candidate will see the light of day in a public school.

What about that time I found you naked with that bowl of Jell-O?


That's why the movie was so bad.

Both candidates were flawed and hypocrites. The movie could not have ended with Molly or the father voting for either one of them.

In fact, that worried me from about twenty minutes into the movie. I knew it could not end with the father actually casting his vote for one or the other. I fugured that he'd get killed or a recount would nullify his need to vote or that he'd vote for Nader.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


It wouldn't be a very interesting movie if the candidates weren't flawed in some way, and if the Demacrat was perfect and the Republican was some mindless idiot like a lot of Hollywood movies have done in the past 8 years then the people would cry foul and the movie would be attacked for bias.

He would have voted for one of them we just don't know which one because they never show us the debate... besides I said this in another thread who he voted for doesn't matter than wasn't the point of the movie.


> It wouldn't be a very interesting movie if the candidates weren't flawed

Unfortunately, that is a very major point of the movie. It is two hours of the candidates trying to secure the man's vote. It is vital to complete that part of the plot.

Otherwise, you might as well scrap the whole movie.

I mean, what if some of the great movies of all time had ended like this?

Luke: "There's the Death Star. I'm going in!" (end of movie)

Dorothy: "This is where the Wizard lives. Let's go in." (end of movie)

Blutto: "We need to teach those frat boys a lesson they'll never foget." (end of movie)

Well, that's what Swing Vote felt like. It was a movie that's central idea could never be resolved.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


"""That's why the movie was so bad.

Both candidates were flawed and hypocrites. The movie could not have ended with Molly or the father voting for either one of them."""

I think the film wanted to highlight the fact that modern democracies have become prone to grand spectacle, but that each of us, as individuals, can choose to care and look deeper than the cheap talk, nice suits and smiles and empty promises.

As for Bud, he was a super-amplified version of what is becoming more and more frequent in modern democracies where everything is taken for granted. A person who doesn't believe in politics and who doesn't feel strongly about many issues. In fact, he doesn't even think about them at all.


> I think the film wanted to highlight the fact that modern democracies have become prone to grand spectacle,

I don't think we needed a movie to tell us that.

> each of us, as individuals, can choose to care and look deeper than the cheap talk, nice suits and smiles and empty promises.

In the end, though, we can't pick the best person for the job. We are given two choices and told to pick one. As this movie shows, we may not like either choice.

> A person who doesn't believe in politics and who doesn't feel strongly about many issues. In fact, he doesn't even think about them at all.

Anybody can steer the boat in calm weather. The United States has been in relatively good shape for the last 60 years. Nobody is starving to death and people don't have to hire bodyguards just to go down to the store. In vast parts of the world, this is not true.

Now, I am not saying that we have no crime and no malnutrition. But we are in very good shape compared to most countries in the world and any other time period in history.

People don't care who leads the country during good times. It's when times are tough that we need to be very careful about who is our leader.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


After witnessing the whole debacle and being completely disenchanted with party politics, she'll probably never try to vote again.

LIFE: It's just a movie.


You know whats interesting? They actually got a well known Republican to play Republican and a well known Democrat to play Democrat. And they treat both fairly.

I think that gets lost in this whole midst of random hard left/right propoganda in this discussion.

Also, the jackass who cotninues this myth about liberla media does so while completely ignoring facts of all kinds. Namely, the fact that historically...and that means MORE than your wonderfully neat 6 year timeline for helpful stats......younger people vote to the left, and older people vote to the right.

Take that "liberal media" crap and throw it out in the garbage and maybe think for yourself.

-----I know the answer blowin in the wind. I also know what it sounds like when doves cry. I rule!


I dont know how anyone can repeat the myth that there is a liberal media out there. If the media was liberal then why was Clinton a front page story every day? He got treated like crap during the whole Monica thing. Why would a liberal media be so hard on one of its own? Any republican that cries liberal media need only to turn to the Faux News network for their 24/7 Republican talking points and their fanning of the flames when it comes to the birther movement, the tea baggers, the Obama school kids speech, and the whole "he's a Muslim thing". That stuff was all born on Fox New$.

Anyways. This movie did not end right. I thought he would walk in and vote independent and thus not choose either guy.

I think the writers were nicer to the republican than the democrat. It was Kelsey Grammar's character that got to half-way show his decent side to Bud and we got to see how he struggled with all the flip flops he was doing.

Camera time wasnt given to the democratic candidate. He didnt have a chance to talk to Bud and have a little "reflection, soul searching scene" where we see him struggling with the politician he had become. They clearly favored the republican in this movie. Even Costner is a republican in real life. If I was rich I guess I'd be a republican too.

I think Molly would have chosen the democrat in the end. She was passionate about the poor and about health care and thats not an issue republicans care about, nor campaign on. Its interesting that he never asked her who she was going to vote for and she never volunteered who she had planned to vote for.

I wish we could have seen who he ended up voting for. I wouldnt have watched all of it if I had known it would end this way.


"Molly would have voted democrat because the MTV generation is corrupted to vote democrat"

umm....did you watch the movie? first Molly isnt even old enough to be part fo the MTV generation. second an intellegent girl like Molly wouldn't watch it anyways....

Those saying Molly hated both of them I'll also disagree with. Molly hated their advisors...... She never even really got to talk to either candidate. because they shoed her away because she was a child....

They tried to save both candidates at the end by making them go back to what they believed in, but i would have liked him to call both of them out more on their B.S. and then picked the 3rd candidate in the race (Im sure their was one) and forced a revote....


You're all wrong.

She would of voted Libertarian (Ron Paul)
