Orange slices

Maybe I notice little things and make big things out of them, but ever since I saw that show on how maticulous Hitchcock was in setting up his scenes, I've always looked for scenes that, although they don't really move the plot forward, seem to have been put in there for some reason or another.

That's when my inate curoisity takes over and I wonder why the scene was there and if the director was sending out some signal or subliminal message.

When Troy is at the Indian woman's trailer, she is cutting up an orange.

Then there is a scene where three slices of orange are standing on their backs as it were on a plate and when she places the forth slice on the plate, she purposely lays it on it's side before picking up the plate and taking it into the other room.

My girlfriend says I am insane for even suggesting there is some particular reasoning for that behavior, but I tell her every shot in a movie, especially the ones that make it past the editing stage are truly there for a reason and I just wondered what that reason might be.

To show unconventionality and a break from the norm perhaps, or maybe I tend to see too much of what really isn't there and it was just a quirk.

What say you?

"Go back to your oar, Forty One."
