I completely missed this!

I faithfully watch most period dramas that the bbc and itv make but somehow this one completely slipped under my radar.

Can anyone tell me, was it any good, and is it available anywhere?


I've heard that it's already out on DVD -- Amazon.co.uk has it. :)

"I know I'm not normal -- but I'm trying to change!" ~ Muriel's Wedding


It's going to air on PBS in March or so. It's available right now on You Tube, but comparing not only this version to the Merchant-Ivory adaptation, but this version to the book, it falls VERY FLAT. This adaptation is colorless and lifeless. The only thing I feel was spot on was the actress who played Lucy Honeychurch; Helena Bonham Carter was too "pretty" and felt a bit more sophisticated for Lucy.


You can watch it all on youtube.
