
Towards the end, after the chandelier knocked out Mukesh, they cut to him waking up in the empty set.
Did everyone just leave his unconscious body there and go home?
I keep thinking maybe they took his body away (claiming they were going to the hospital) then brought him back after the event, but this is not even hinted at.
THEN, they go on to show that the chandelier knocking him out was NOT part of their plan in the first place!
So can someone tell me what really happened there?


The flashbacks suggested that Shanti was behind the chandelier falling down and the picture catching fire. I presume their original plan was to make some more freaky things happen so that Mukesh would eventually confess after the event.

But after the chandelier came down, I'm sure everybody quickly left because they believed it was too dangerous to stay in the building. Maybe Om checked on Mukesh and told people he would take care of him or call an ambulance. But instead of doing that, he thought this was the perfect opportunity to force Mukesh to make a confession and go on with their plan. I don't think they took his body away, he was probably only passed out for a minute or so.
