MovieChat Forums > Om Shanti Om (2007) Discussion > I have to say this was a horrible movie.

I have to say this was a horrible movie.

My wife and I watched it laughing at how bad it was. It just went on and on. This was just joined up cr@p called a movie. I loved the part where the main guy said he would be a better actor...too bad he didn't mean in real life. This movie could have been the song towards the end...and nothing more and it would have been far better (three or so minutes long). First Bollywood Buray...ouch!


It was a role in films within the film, acting and all - just thought you might have missed that.

'This film is only for Madagascar and Iran, neither of which follow American copyright law'


Nope, I got it, just thought it was funny that his character about playing a character was talking about acting better, when he the actor was the person who really could not act. I liked him in Asoka...not this one at all though.

If you want a good film about a show within shows see the Singing Detective or Dennis Potter's other one Karaoke. Singing had a story about a story, with a story about another story and a story of those two stories combining...take that Om Shanti Om! Oh and Singing had good actors, not just eyecandy.


I could pretty much repeat what Robert just said... Shahrukh acted the way he was suppoed to... If you don't like the character or even the way the character was portrayed, it actually doesn't mean the actor was bad. If you think based on this role that Shahrukh is not a good actor, then, yes, Robert was right, you missed a very essential point....

SRK signature pose:


No I am saying based on the many many movies I have seen him in he is not a good actor, Asoka was his best, but that was more because of the story than him. So no I did not miss the point, I just saw the movie and found it funny a bad actor said such a line when even at his best he would not be that great. And again he was playing a person in a movie...not a person in a movie playing a person in a movie (Tune in Tomorrow, A Cock and Bull Story, Baron Von Munchausen...and so on).

So the point is the movie was bad with bad acting, bad plots, bad lines, but good colors and a couple good songs...but that Disco whatever song has to be one of the worst songs ever produced in this era.


Sorry - I disagree with most of the points made here. So you hated him in every film and yet expected something different and magical this time? That is strange and beyond logic. About Asoka (a film I like very much), most reviewers feel it was let down by the story - so no logic there either. A good story cannot make an actor act better. And films like Dil se, Swades, Paheli and Chak De India have better acting that Asoka. An actor who is supposed to be a poor one in a film within a film, how do you judge how such a role is done? That the cator should play it really well, or act like he cannot act or just be himself if he is a bad actor?

About that Disco whatever song - it was supposed to be a spoof on item songs of these times. But perhaps you missed that part too.

'This film is only for Madagascar and Iran, neither of which follow American copyright law'


You are missing the point. A bad spoof, is a bad spoof. Was Scary Movie 3 a good movie because it was making fun of bad movies? No it was a bad movie because of bad acting and plot..the disco song was painful. I am not sure why you are defending the Kevin Costner of Bollywood, but boy you seem to like him. As for me I am sticking with the better of the Bollywood, have you even seen Bollywood calling, there is a movie about the horrid scripting, blind devotion to actors/directors, lip syncing, sexism, and so on...low budget, but loved much more. Before you shirk off good movies for this one, take the time to watch them. I am sure you can see the Sining Detective on youtube. And for Bollywood, I still go with Lagaan, Tall, or Dil Chata over this movie anyday.

Plain and simple this movie has the worst plot I have ever seen.


Oh - I get it! The purpose is to educate us. Maybe you need to see more 70s 80s masala to realize what was being spoofed. And thanks for your condescending attitude, please go watch Lagaan again. I have seen Bollywood calling - I would put it in the realm of Epic Movie - even Scary Movie series was better.

"I am not sure why you are defending the Kevin Costner of Bollywood, but boy you seem to like him."

I despise Kevon Costner - but you seem to find some appeal in the midget version of self-consciously aping Tom Hanks that BW has.

'This film is only for Madagascar and Iran, neither of which follow American copyright law'


Bollywood calling made the classic mistake of using an "American actor". I am not sure why but it always seems to be the case. I am sure there are some good american actors in forgien films, but when I see the Captain in Red Dwarf, the US GI in Welcome to Dongmakol, and so on I just cringe. Bollywood calling, had a script, a plot, and some good actors. Om Shanti Om did not, it was not a spoof, it was just a horrible plot. I am not lying when I say my wife hated this movie so much she asked me to put a review up on how bad it was...she never does, and she thinks people that post on on these boards need to get a life...(including me). So if this movie was so bad she wanted a warning here...then there is a reason. This movie has been hated by every Indian friend I know...and that is no small feat.

As for the Tom Hanks thing...not sure which you are talking about, I do think that the Lagaan guy looks just like a young M. Keaton.

I got this movie because it was the highest rated Bluray...a bit of a mistake. I hope Karma Sutra comes out on Bluray, that would be a nice one.


it was not a spoof, it was just a horrible plot.

Your views before were already quite pointless, but here you really proved you just talk talk talk but you do not know what you are talking about... If you had said that in your opinon it's a bad spoof, that would have been one thing. But saying it's not a spoof, when it quite clearly IS, just goes to show your views are quite pointless here.

Anyway, I already have you figured out. You are just another SRK bashing Aamir fan, probably an alternative ID of one our trolls here...

SRK signature pose:


Real, dont bother arguing with Robert.. hes the resident nitwit on these boards.


ni$hit is the crap on these boards! We have a long standing friendship. BTW - the OP lost me on Karama Sutra - then I realized he was talking of that ATROCIOUS Mira Nair film, the one even she refuses to acknowledge!

ROFL! I do not think OSO is for you. But I can suggest Rajesh Khanna's Wafaa - there may not be a BluRay though. Try a DVD! If you like that one came back and ask for more recommendations ;-)

'This film is only for Madagascar and Iran, neither of which follow American copyright law'


Wafaa!! just saw that this weekend, what in the lords name is wrong with Rajesh Khanna?? hes actually topless in half the movie.. forget mid life crisis this is end life crisis!!


I think I liked Sutra because it tried to be serious. It tried to be human. It tried to go places Bollywood had not. It had some issues, but it is muched liked by those not offened by the human body. I like ZOO and Drowning By Numbers though...Pillow Book sucked a bit though...not because of the male one male (though that was a bit easier on the eyes that the disco Pain song), but because it was just weak. India has a history that many places in the world can not touch, that is the sutra...china has its own version...but China has many movies to explore this (Sex and Zen...not a wonderful movie, but it's own movie). Bollywood can seem a bit shallow at times.

As for me saying it was not a spoof, it was just a bad need to read what I am saying...
I am saying that the movie sucked, spoof or not, just like that 300 movie ripoff did ... or for that matter 300.


And I am saying that anyone who considers Kama Sutra good has a serious whacked sense of good cinema. So then it is valid that they will have their own unique opinions about other films.

'And I guess that was your accomplice in the wood chipper'


Karma Sutra was good for what it was a sensual peice with some amazingly attractive females. It has been a date movie that every, and I mean every date that has watched it has seen the whole thing, and been seriously aroused. Om Shanti...I had to be my fair lady to stay on the couch through the show...she feel asleep many times and said it was the worst Bollywood film she had ever seen...oh and she loves Karma.


Pure crap cinema, but enough for bollywood idiots =)


Jeez - it is NOT KARMA!! LOL! But it IS your karma if you enjoy such films.

'And I guess that was your accomplice in the wood chipper'


Couldn't help but think KAMA sutra (which you don't even know how to a Bollywood movie???????????????? Just because it was shot here, and had actors and a director of Indian ORIGIN??????????????????

I'm sorry your brain does such things to you.....

PS. It was and still is banned here. That's crap, for you I mean. I'd rather choke and watch Singh Is Kinng, which is not to say that THAT was a good movie...but you get my drift.


Lol, Kama. Well KAMA Sutra is an Indian movie because of the location, directors, and actors, but it is not Bollywood because it has a plot, good acting, and is notdeeply shallow....awww snap!


I hated this movie too, looks like SRK will suck his own di ck to star in Farah and Karan movies. hes such a flop but worldwide muslim audiences keep his career going. hes done great work in the past but seems a little washed up now.



Oh dear, I think too many people are taking this movie way too seriously. Come on, it's a parody on Bollywood, even on Shahrukh Khan himself!
