Live action movie?

Should they make The Force Unleashed into a live action film? Or at least release the cut scenes as an animated film?

I think so. While the game had some flaws, the story was great and I thought the acting was good too. Would love to see it on the big screen. Either version.


as far as live action SW films go you - well they've already been made eps 1-6 is it. any way the last of the good ones were made in 83. i got the recuts of eps 4-6 on dvd but i still got to watch 'em on tape. lucas redoing the OT is like when Ted Turner put his crayolas to the classics.


A live action (or even CGI) movie of The Force Unleashed would ROCK! I would love to see Galen, Juno, Maris etc on the silver screen, especially the climactic duel between Galen and Vader. That would be the best lightsabre duel EVER (to me at least).


It'd certainly work better thank the game did.
The only reason I continued playing after about five levels was because I wanted to see how the plot would unfold. It'd be pretty awesome as a film.

But of course they couldn't really give it an episode, seeing as it's technically Episode 3.5 haha - and that'd look nasty up on the big screen in that classic writing, scrolling away into the stars.
And what would they call it? The Force Unleashed is a pretty awful name for a film, especially regarding the already existing titles of the saga.

Birth Of The Rebellion, maybe?

Go to:



In terms of casting, it'd be very simple and easy:

Starkiller: Sam Witwer
Juno Eclipse: Nathalie Cox
Rahm Kota: Cully Frederickson
Darth Vader voice: Matt Sloan (Or James Earl Jones if they could get him)
Darth Vader body: Hayden Christiansen
Bail Organa: Jimmy Smits
Emperor: Ian McDiarmid
Princess Leia: Now this is a tricky one, but I'd go with Mae Whitman (maybe dub her voice?):

And I agree, there'd need to be more plot. Maybe they could show more of Starkiller's life before he was knighted.

Official winner of the "You've Been Most Helpful and "The Krane" awards on the Friends board


id rather see a live action/cgi version of the old republic. that teaser trailer they showed at e3 last year look badass. army of jedi vs an army of sith lords


I'd actually prefer that the live action tv series would take place during the Old Republic instead of the time between III and IV, i think it would have much much more to explore, but hey, if we get to see Starkiller, Sidious or even Chewie on the show it's not half bad...


Ive always thought definitely. Whenever I see that scene at the end where Starkiller has a lightning battle with the emperor, and the music cranks up and starkiller grunts heroically it makes me think about what a great film this would make. Plus in order to make it longer they could give you some more backstory on Starkillers upbringing and some of the people he meets in the gaem

"I'm gonna kill that mother *beep*
"Pun intended?"


It might be cool, but my feelings is that Lucas should have scrapped most of episode two and made episode 3 be form the end of the real one into the time between three and four.
