Vadar HELP

I can't beat Vadarz.

I beat him like, the first 'round' of the fight. now he lost his helmet and looks all gimpy, and we're doing round two. i can't beat him. every 3 seconds he picks me up and throws me across the room.

i can't win. tried 400 times. any tips?
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You need to constantly mix up your attacks, and don't back off at all.


...yeah basically stay on his ass and throw everything you got at him in funky combinations



ye and dont bother with lightning or push force


He's slow, so keep him chasing you using dash.

Then just chargeup repulse and use it when he is close. Continue doing this until he's beaten. It's pretty easy this way


That doesn't work.. the whole running away from him thing I mean. because as soon as u get like, 4 feet away from him, he picks u up with the force and throws u.
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Don't back down, use different attacks. Time your attacks and blocks too. Work out when he leaves himself open to attack and you will beat him. Avoid jumping in the air, it's easy for him to grab you and throw you around like a doll. You can't grip him or push him really. Force lightning is best used on him if he's on the ground, as if you get into a lightning duel (where it says press 'Y' where it gets to the bars) Vader is very fast at it. When he glows red he goes to force push. When he does this make sure you get behind him as he's open to attack there. Hope these hints help. It's either dance with Vader or party with the Emperor, and the Emperor is a pain in the ass. I've beaten him a couplle of times, but he's still a pain in the ass.

Trolls Should Be Treated Like Terrorists


i gave up playing it on the hardest lvl i cant even beat whats his name the 2nd jedi at the jedi temple his too bullsh!t


You're playing it on the hardest setting? Why? lol. I beat it on normal.

Trolls Should Be Treated Like Terrorists


ive already bet it on every level wen i got it i like to beat my games on every difficulty especially with these achievement things its fun


I just kept dashing in and out of contact, and putting in little hits here and there, until he charge up his push attack, when I would get behind him, and as soon as he fired, I'd hit him with a combo, then follow it up by using lightening on him when he was down. I hardly got a scratch on me.(I was on normal mode though.

Why so serious?



Don't jump. Everytime you jump he'll grab onto you, same thing if you get too far away. So stay in close and use Force Repulse and Saber combos to take him out.


throw the objects on the wall , when you have damaged him enough he will come and fight you
