Can someone tell me this song?

What is the title of the song in the credits? It like "down at the monkey, the bluuuuuuuuueeeee monkey" something like that. I really would like to see the lyrics to it but i cant find it anywhere.


I just finished watching the movie and according to the credits, the song is actually called "Down at the Monkey" and it's by The Jumpin Chi-Chis.

BTW, I didn't think this movie was nearly as bad as people have been saying. Definitely a decent movie for what it is: a family movie. I would much rather watch this again than, say, "Look Who's Talking Too." Ugh. Talk about awful.



thanks and i agree i dont think it was awful at all and i know ive seen worse there are some movies i couldnt even make it through because they were sooooo awful (btw most of the AWFUL ones are sequels)(oh and one i COULD NOT make it through was High School Musical, all of them, because they were BEYOND CHEESY)(and i CANT STAND those annoying songs gag me with a spoon)
