MovieChat Forums > Choke (2008) Discussion > Victor Mancini= Michael C. Hall

Victor Mancini= Michael C. Hall

I think that Michael c hall should have played victor!! I love the book but the guy who plays victor in the movie does not fit the right tone at all!!
See also: six feet under
See also: Dexter
^ brilliant is not the right word to describe Hall in these shows but it's the first one that comes to mind
Opinions on how you would like the movie to be made so it's done right/ which actors for characters!!


Ummmm no no no.. My thoughts post American Psycho was Christian Bale, before Batman Begins... That was when I first read the book., right now? Maybe Joseph Gordon Levitt. Rockwell could have done a great job but the whole tone and feel of the movie was off.. It never had the manic energy it should have...
