MovieChat Forums > JPod Discussion > Horrible Ratings...

Horrible Ratings...

Of the four shows CBC launched this winter (the other three being Sophie, M.V.P. and The Border), jpod is the lowest-rated of the bunch. What does this mean? Well, the likelihood of a second season is slim.

I was so disappointed when I sat down and watched the pilot because I had actually hoped that CBC would produce a good, strong comedy and gain some momentum, since neither Global or CTV seem all that interested these days in creating scripted shows. In the adds, it seemed like something that could catch on.

Well, Jpod's a dud. The show's got no pace, no hook and the the basic premises are contrived. I'm sure Coupland's book is much easier to digest than the show. I think the show has the same problems as all the other duds before it: miscast actors, dry direction and sets that look like they were stolen from some syndicated sci-fi show and lit like hell.

Our television industry is in a very sad decline. But with 22 Minutes, Corner Gas and Little Mosque, at least it's healthier than the film industry. Yikes.

By the way, M.V.P.'s ratings are also pretty bad. Don't expect it to stick around.

Sophie and The Border have done okay, but I think the jury's still out on the latter since its ratings are dramatically up-and-down each week.


Actually, the ratings for this show have been increasing every week as well as the quality. Considering especially that it has been given the "doomed" Friday night slot.

Have you, my friend, sat down to watch an episode of Sophie? It is ridiculous, silly, dumb, over acted, over written and for a certain demographic that is completely different from the one that watches this show. I do agree with you that the pilot episode was a bit of a stinker but who cares? The season is now speaking for itself as far as I can tell people do seem to be watching and enjoying the show.

I'm a huge Coupland fan and have faith in his ability as a Canadian icon to sway the CBC to give it another season. It's just hitting it's groove.

Also the demographic that actually watches this show downloads it. I know this screws with the numbers so I need to watch it when it's on as opposed to downloading torrents of it.

I've never met anyone with the Nielson Box in their home. Has anyone out there ever had one? I know you not supposed to discuss if you have one but....have you ever?


I've watched Sophie. I agree that it's not very good. Definitely. But it's got ABC family behind it, so CBC is more likely to put themselves behind it now.

As for the ratings... everything I've read has jpod cratered at a dangerously low ratings level. I haven't seen any real ratings growth. I do know that usually a comedy like jpod would need to be doing at least 400,000-500,000 viewers to be healthy. And it's nowhere near those levels.

I've only ever watched the pilot, so you may be right and it may getting better. Actually, I got a vibe off the first episode that things would go that way since it was the pilot of an adaptation. Pilots are hard. But since CBC aren't in the habit of keeping low-rated comedies afloat (drama is another breed), I'd say audience won't get the chance to hop on board before the plug is pulled. It's a shame.

But those production values, though... good god. No ammount of good scripts is going to wash those off.


Can anyone link to a site that shows television show ratings in Canada. In other words, where ever you are obtaining your information on the JPOD ratings.

