MovieChat Forums > JPod Discussion > Yesterday's episode.

Yesterday's episode.

So I watched yesterday's episode and I got the strangest feeling. I honestly felt that I was watching a new episode of Arrested Development.

Sure, it wasn't as funny or well-acted but it had the same kind of vibe. The visual puns were there (Kevin dressed as a baby), the quirky family plot device ("Chuckshot"), the above average acting and the plot twist (which I won't spoil).

I honestly think that this is a show worth saving, it can and will get better. The joke about John Doe's oral gift was hilarious, as was the flashback showing him crawling in the "Jungle Gyn".

P.S. I'm a fan of Coupland's work although I haven't read jPod (I was going to but I kept putting it off) so I'm curious if all of this is in the book?


I'm reading the book right now and it's fantastic. The TV show is slightly different from the book. There's too many to list so here's the wikilink:

The show is great. Other than some sometimes stiff acting, it's my favorite show on TV right now.


The stiff acting is true in places. Otherwise, this is one of the best episodes for acting (minus the Hells Angels bad acting in the part where he first appears in this episode).

Most of this episode was not in the book. And this episode was closest to the feel of the book out of all of them, ironically enough.

Its an odd series, it fluctuates up and down. At some points its really well done and at others it seems forced. This episodes was one of the best and had me laughing out loud several times. Probably just an easy target for sexual inuendo.


It must be very difficult to keep the tone the same when they have different directors every week. I think it's the main weakness. The characters change from episode to episode sometimes and i wonder if that is the directors fault.

Last episode was the funniest one yet.
I really do enjoy this show.


Hm, I didn't notice that. Explains a lot. I guess they will settle for one director eventually, hopefully. And my vote would be for the last "Jungle Gyn/Buckshot" episode.
