
Filming's supposed to start in mid-June - where's the casting info?


"Batman" is apparently in Vancouver for Jpod:

"A real live TV legend was spotted arriving in town recently to work on a new series here. Adam West, better known as the caped crusader "Batman," was reportedly in town briefly to work on the new series Jpod, which centres around a group of employees at an electronic games factory. West was caught on camera at Vancouver airport sporting dark sunglasses and a "Pure West" baseball hat. The quirky Jpod stars Colin Cuningham (The 4400) and Canadian mainstay Allan Thicke."


That bit of news just made my day!

"Won't you have some cake, Father? It's got cocaine in it. '


Colin Cunningham is awesome and Peter DeLuise is a great director! I'm so excited about this. I just have one question... What happened to Evil Mark??? Did they axe his character for the show or is there something I'm missing?


Yeah, I was wondering that too. I liked Evil Mark.

There are some who call me....Tim?


Apparently he's still going to be a part of the show just not a regular. There's a facebook group for the show and the actor who plays Cowboy mentioned that.


So apparently Coupland decided to kill Evil Mark off with the helium thing. I always get really emotional whenever I hear that. I went to school with the guy Coupland based the death off of.

RIP Gavin Mackrory:
"Although your laughter may no longer be heard through our ears, it will be forever felt in our hearts. Everyone who knew you will miss who you were; the world will miss who you would have become."

To me, he will forever be the guy who told me where the security cameras were when trying to smoke up during a boring play at Capilano College. I heart you, Gavin.

There are some who call me....Tim?


Not really anything new, but from local daily free rag in Vancouver:

Local author’s novel jPod becomes CBC series – Kristen Thompson for Metro Vancouver:
"A new CBC series based on local author Douglas Coupland’s novel jPod is in production and set to air early next year.
The 13-part series will look into Vancouver’s video game industry and is scheduled to air on CBC Television in Jan. 2008.
The comedy series is expected to incorporate Coupland’s take on corporate culture and has been compared to the TV series Arrested Development, CBC News Online reports.
The show’s 2006 pilot was directed by Trailer Park Boys writer and director Mike Clattenburg. The cast will include Growing Pains dad, Canadian actor Alan Thicke."
