MovieChat Forums > JPod Discussion > question about episode 13(spoilers)

question about episode 13(spoilers)

would being crushed by a hug machine really put you into a coma? broken bones, yes, suffocation, yes, but a coma? i am currently reading the book. i hope the book will continue where the show left off. damn cliffhanger.


yeah, i thought that was a huge (stupid) stretch too. And no worries. The book is not following that route, thank Jebus.


According to wikipedia:

Coma may result from a variety of conditions, including intoxication, metabolic abnormalities, central nervous system diseases, acute neurologic injuries such as stroke, and HYPOXIA.

So if that's to be believed, then lack of oxygen could put somebody in a coma.


im sure they did their homework before creating this episode. besides ehtan went to med-school so if anyone is doubting his diagnosis, keep that in mind.


i dont doubt that she is in a coma, i doubt the method of how she was put into a coma.


but was she lacking oxygen long enough to be put into a coma? she wasn't being squeezed that long.



doesn't anyone see the whole allusion to 'girlfriend in a coma'? this is such a big '*beep* you' to cbc. coupland is one clever mother *beep*


No kidding. The whole episode was a giant *beep* you to CBC. Like when Cowboy said it was total premature evacuation. But I was pretty choked how they ended it.

There are some who call me....Tim?


I'm pretty sure the final episode was filmed before they knew of the cancellation. It ain't over yet anyhow...

