MovieChat Forums > JPod Discussion > episode 13 (spoiler)(coupland praise)

episode 13 (spoiler)(coupland praise)

I never thought I would like the jpod series, being a pessimist novel-turned-television person myself, but damn, coupland definitely knew what he was doing. the series definitely grew past expectations as it moved along. and episode 13?? please tell me more people caught the in your face 'girlfriend in a coma' allusion. what a great *beep* you' to cbc. Brilliant.


I almost wonder if the CBC is doing an experiment to see if they can create their own Jericho?


The CBC programming office could use a hugging machine.


:) One prone to jealous rage?

Na, too late. They're all already in a coma apparently.


everyone keeps saying the the girlfriend in a coma thing is a *beep* you to cbc. anyone want to help me understand? all i know is that girlfriend in a coma is written by coupland as well.


Umm, actually I have no idea what the original poster was referring to when bringing that beep-you to CBC thing. Maybe she'll come back and explain it to us all some day.


I just mean it that coupland just won't let the jpod series fade away. I'm assuming he knew the 13the episode would be the last one, but instead of writing something a little friendlier ending, he goes and writes something ridiculous and allusive and so intriguing, how can CBC just end it like that? Plus, it just an AWESOME allusion and a great coupland fan geek moment for all of us(which i think he knew)


It was either episode 12 or 13 but Jim Jarlewski is reading a copy of Glove Pond, the fictional novel (ha) from The Gum Thief.


As someone noted before me on these forums somewhere (sorry, to tired to look), the same Glove Pond book shows up in an earlier episode when cowboy show up at a diner for a hot date with his sister.

Anyway, the goth girl sitting in a cubicle is reading the book. I assume she's supposed to be the goth girl from Staples (Beth???) who reads Glove Pond throughout the Gum Thief.
