MovieChat Forums > Argo (2012) Discussion > Why all this hate ?

Why all this hate ?

This movie is a true story .. great acting and great cast ....
I mean this kind of movie which should matter , it's great ....
Of course it was unconvincing at points but it was also a masterpiece at points ....
I don't understand all this hate about it it's great 8/10



They deny everything cause they should be ... The movie shows that the canadians saved American asses and showed that Americans punch of *beep* :3


Well I would say the hate comes from all of the undeserved critical acclaim. I would love to know how many people watched this film a second time, compared to movies it beat for best picture, like Zero Dark Thirty, Silver Linings Playbook, or Django Unchained. Those films were edgy, creative, funny, unique...qualities completely lost on Argo.

Had this movie not received any buzz, I would have watched it once, been mildly entertained, and would have never thought about it ever again. It's an absolute embarrassment that the Academy believed this film to be the best of the year. Crash is the only other film I can think of that was so undeserving, but at least that movie was trying to say something.


I liked Argo better than silver linings and zero dark.


How quickly people forget abiut Cimarron or the terrible Around the World in 80 Days. Those are terrible Best Picture winning films.



I agree But it doesn't mean if a movie get awards it doesn't deserved to hate it lol


The Last Picture Show -- lost to The French Connection.
The Conversation -- lost to The Godfather Part II.

I'm not taking anything away from The Conversation, but Godfather II is one of the greatest movies ever made and certainly the best sequels made. The French Connection was also worthy of winning. The Last Picture Show, also a great movie, was probably too 'artsy' and didn't get the mainstream votes.

"Loves turned to lust and bloods turned to dust in my heart"


I agree that it's around 8 out of ten but it just didn't deserve the Oscar win


I agree about the oscar too


The haters use the IMDb messsge boards more than people who actually love movies. No matter what the film, there are ALWAYS hateful posts!



That's because the haters don't have a life so they have little else to occupy their time.



Nuff said.....


I don't hate it, but I certainly don't see why it was so highly acclaimed when it came out. I thought is was a decent period piece involving crazy story that turned out to be based on actual events. The acting was fine, but I was never blown away by anything. My favorite thing about it was John Goodman's performance.



I said "based". That is a very loose term.




If you were to ask "why all the hate?" every time loads of people on the internet declared their hate for something really good, you'd waste a lot of time.
