plot hole

Just a small one... Poppy states that shes a vegetraian but then she says 'watc the'shmere girlfriend, 200 goats died for this'. Surely a vegetarian wouldnt wear animal skin?!


did you watch the movie?? do you really think poppy would care about the goats? lol


She was not a vegeterian, she just said she was to be annoying and loud and stand out. She was trying to get thrown out of the school, remember?

I'm not a fan of anyone or anything.


Well she wasnt a vegetarian because she cares so much about animals, but it was obvious how she hates fat/carbs/junkfood so I think thats the reason she chose to be a vegiterian(for the healthier lifestyle).. but lol she doesnt care about animals!


And anyway, you don't kill a goat to get cashmere, you shave it.


yess, goats normally don´t die when shaved,
it possibly depends on the shavor man´s skills :)

So I guess Chris found the real plot whole of Poppy´s line (:


As long as she doesn't eat it then she's fine.
