Completely Overated

I watched this because of all the hype by Oprah and was very dissapointed.

Ellen Burstyn is one of my favorites so I tried to stick with the film. The editing was horrible and proably confused a lot of viewers.

I have always felt Oprah has been given too much power, she is after all a talk show host, not a god as some of her fans think.

Completely overated!


Fine. But you are part of the reason she has the power she does cuz you listened to her, went with her opinion and then watched it. If you don't think she should have power then don't do that. Also, do you realize who gives her power? THe viewers (including me, but i don't really care).

Editing confused me at first but within 20 minutes i figured it out.

I don't think it was meant to be an Oscar winner, but it was supposed to teach us all a lesson to enjoy each moment that we have with our loved ones and put aside stupid squibbles.

You were free not to watch, you didn't like it, no problem. Just don't blame Oprah.

