Poor critical response

Managed to garner a measly 54% at rotten tomatoes, which is to say, "rotten."

Ola yia tin epistimi!


It isn't rotten, but it's not great. I'm glad I went, for the visuals and the music. I was not convinced by the love story, and I fault mostly the scriptwriters (and maybe the original novelist) for that. These characters are too old and too savvy to be love-at-first-sight material. Stravinski was more convincingly music-obsessed than Coco-obsessed. I like the actress's/director's/novelist's portrait of Coco as mostly tough and only slightly vulnerable.


Several critics echoed your complaints.

This one also touts the acting, although the characters themselves lack depth.

In the end, Coco & Igor offers little insight into its titular titans of modernism. There’s little understanding of their individual aesthetics, let alone how they (hypothetically) informed each other. A flash-forward to the end of their lives suggests that the memories of their relationship remained potent long after its brief tenure, but the movie neither proves nor argues that thesis.


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