Good movie

Good movie- I expected a little bit more with it being a 7.3, but it was an eye opener type of a movie.


Yes it was. However, after reading some of the posts here the movie is apparently an exaggeration of the actual story, the actual account is far from what is seen in the movie........the near impossible task of traveling 4k miles on foot through the severe cold of Siberia, the harsh, dry desert terrain of Mongolia and scaling the Himalayas with little food and water. Not believing it either. Yet, I enjoyed the film and empathized with the apparent struggles of the characters in such. Haven't done that in awhile, for today's movies don't usually bring out that sentiment by story, nor acting.


I thought it was rather good too... It does have issues, the biggest of which is the use of language... At the beginning, English seems to stand in for Polish, which is a perfectly valid choice. But, later, the Poles speak Polish at some points and it seems to be suggested that the chosen language of this group of Poles, men from the Soviet Union and one American is actually English... It's doubtful that all the Poles and men from the Soviet Union would have been competent enough in English for that and, as the Poles and the American could all apparently speak Russian, that would have been a much more natural language for the group... I don't generally mind how a film or tele programme approaches the issue of different languages. But, it has to be sensible and it certainly has to be consistent... However, generally, this was very watchable and, from time to time, visually rather striking.
