MovieChat Forums > Rad Girls (2007) Discussion > Do You Think They Got Cancelled Cause Th...

Do You Think They Got Cancelled Cause They Look To Old?

I thik if they were around 20 to 25 they may have lasted longer. I'm not sure but they look to me to be around 30 to 35. Is it weird to have older women performing these "HACKY" bits? Could they have gotten away with it if they were 10 years younger or if they did'nt have that kind of raunchy look? Jackass gets away with it cause their guys. Maybe FUSE just thought it was'nt funny.


I think they got cancelled cause they're not funny. being in their 30's probably didn't help though.


Look to old what?


It is "too" old, not "to" old.



please. they were hot. regardless of age. i watch re-runs all the time. If it came/comes out on dvd... bought.



It got canceled? Damn, I liked this show.


saw this show on mtv...the girls are beautiful...i was all excited about the concept sort of a girls do jackass...but after siting through a couple of episodes i have to say that based on what i was probably axed because it was a terrible show..not entertaining at all..quite yawn-some actually...far from funny..

''The girls we spoke to see Barbie torture as a legitimate play activity''-Agnes Nairn


yea they're 20's def.


It got cancelled coz they weren't funny, not because they were too old, u pedo



I know at least one of them is in her mid-30's…


all the people replying have no common sense or knowledge. the show was cancelled because fuse wants to air more music based shows. the smae reaosn wkuk was taken off their network.


Oddly enough, they're not cancelled - Season 2 starts filming next week!

Check my bio on my IMDB page:
