Funniest DD+D moment...

I've watched quite a few of these, and there are some funny moments, but I finally found the moment that made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt.

It's in the S14E06 - Unexpected Eats ep. He (and three of his buddies) try some Triple 6 hot wings at Smalley's Pirate Bar. Their reactions are seriously hilarious. I definitely recommend watching the ep just for that!


are they too hot wings?

His name...was Julio Iglesias!


Way too hot apparently!


I lol'd during that scene too. So much so that I rewound it and called my wife into the room to watch it too.


I had to rewind and watch it a couple more times. Each time I found another reason to laugh.


it happens!

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.


I always remember the chili place in Seattle years ago where Guy pretended to add cell phones to the chili. Hilarity


that would add some interesting texture.



Was that the one where even the lactose intolerant guy was trying to kill the heat with a big glass of milk?

"God must love stupid people because he made so many of them"


that sounds illegal.

