MovieChat Forums > Copie conforme (2011) Discussion > Is Kiarostami going to die?

Is Kiarostami going to die?

How funny that I read a review, and it said something about being aware
of some (named) idiot and their bad review. I would normally write my
review before reading others, but didn't here. Even though I had a
short review formed and a particular feeling about this film, for some
reason, accidentally I read THAT terrible review and am unashamed to
have ONE thing in common with it.

It did remind me of Kubrick's last film before dying, 'Eyes Wide Shut'.
However, in my case, I loved them both. They are two all time classic
films on the theme of 'great dialogues between man and woman'. That
should be enough said - why oh why do so many of you value reviews that
tell you a lot about the film, sure you want to be able to discern
SOMETHING but, what are you worth if you have NO imagination and won't
watch without (too much) prejudice!? Watch this film because it
concerns a subject that most people hold central in their lives or hope
for; failed/ successful, sexual/ romantic relationships. It is
incredibly well scripted, and Kiarostami deserves an award, especially
because it's in 3 languages, (none of them his native!)

DON'T be intimidated because you are a complete fool, and OVER use that
silly word, pretentious. You must be stupid because the conversations
about art, man and woman and placement of VALUE were as simple yet
profound as could be, not pretentious. Bourgeois yes, (a word that
wouldn't be wrongly used when describing 99.9% of all films - do you
really know what it's like for the 60, 70 or 80 % of poorest people in
the world!? Like the movies, NOT!) Frankly, I preferred 'Eyes Wide
Shut' because it was fantastical and unreal, and had a happier ending,
'Let's *beep* But more importantly, there is not really that much
comparison, except maybe that one theme in common. It is great that
Kiarostami made a departure from his usual. It's good to get surprises
and a change of ambient. He has done so, excellently and universally
(for us Bourgeois that is).

Kisses. Beijos. Baci.


Kiarostami is shooting his new film in Japan in a few weeks. I don't think he has any plans to check out any time soon.

