MovieChat Forums > Copie conforme (2011) Discussion > going to sleep in the car

going to sleep in the car

I didn't understand the reference to her going to sleep driving a car with a child in the back seat?


She dozed off while driving. It was an event in their past that the man compared to his falling asleep on their anniversary night.


She was accusing him of being indifferent while he said he was merely tired. His point was that when she fell asleep it was not because she was indifferent to her son - she was merely tired.


He fell asleep in bed on their 15th anniversary, she fell asleep while driving a car with her son in the back. Each of them justified themselves and claimed that they only fell asleep because they were tired, not for any ulterior motives. And each of them felt that the other person had an ulterior motive and was the more irresponsible and careless. She thought he fell asleep because he was indifferent to her, especially because he knew it was their anniversary. And he felt that the only way she could have fallen asleep while driving the car was that she had been indifferent to the fact that their son was in the back seat.
