Name of the Actress?

I want to know the name of the actress that plays Lia Mccord. I saw previous similar questions, and they said that her first name was Mayra..Does anyone know her full name?! I have literally searched everywhere.

Btw, it was in the Bangledash, India (spelling?)episode where she had the heroin taped around her waist


Bangladesh and India are two separate countries.

I think its Mayra Neal



The ending credits do say Mayra Leal, but the only Mayra Leal I can find on google is a middle aged Hispanic singer, definitely not the actress in this show. Maybe the show's producers miscredited the actress. Maybe they got her name wrong. Maybe she used a fake name. Or maybe there is more than one person named Mayra Leal. Anyone know?


Mmmmmm, she was cute.


Wow I came here looking for that same info, and yeah, it's no where to be found. :( She was a very good, expressive actress - not a line of dialogue but endured a lot of intensely emotional scenes and conveyed them perfectly.


I don't want to be creepy (ha, sure I do!), but I found her myspace.
Who knows if it's genuine, but here you go.




That's pretty funny that there is a thread about this actress because when I saw the episode I too thought not only did she do a great job but that she was pretty hot.



Wow, hahaha so many people i would have never thought, even i came here for that, she was hot.

You know what the Queen said? If I had balls, I'd be King.


She looks like Layla Kayleigh, so of course she's hot.

Post office sucks! 1 month to deliver a package that would've taken 47 minutes to deliver.


myspace address doesn't work

Post office sucks! 1 month to deliver a package that would've taken 47 minutes to deliver.


She is in Machete, early in the film.

hard core at your door


I watched this episode last night, she is smokin' HOT.


She is in Machete, early in the film.

Who is, Mayra Leal, "Chica (Naked Girl)",! I've no idea WTH you guys were talking about - because she's, like, average at best:

P.S. What about the Myspace link (, was that the same girl?? :-0

myspace address doesn't work
