Insanely bad story

I like this show, but in one episode, the criminal's story was just so far-fetched that NATGEO should have been embarrassed to have even shown it. I don;t recall all the details, but the woman said that she went to florida to meet this guy and they connected, so she brought her daughter down there and the guy sent the woman to another country or something to pick up a suitcase for him, and she didn't know why, and he kept her daughter as "collateral" of sorts, and held her for ransom so she had no choice. She decided not to do it, but she was at the airport bar waiting for her flight, and another woman with the same suitcase sat next to her, and they started talking and decided to share a hotel room to save on expenses, and the next day the woman woke up and heard the stranger she had met in the bar on the phone, and she was yelling and the person on the other end was yelling, and when she left, the woman didn;t realize that she took her suitcase because they were identical....the story was so unbelievable it could have been written by hillary clinton. Does anyone know which episode this was? I tried to find it on a few sites, but have been unable to find it from the basic descriptions.
