Spoilers - Frankie?

I would like to know how did Frankie get to the box when Miles had locked it. They dont show. I was wondering how as two of them were also locked in the carriage by Danny Glover.


So I googled breaking bad and looked at some news articles. There was an NBC story. I clicked on the link and it said error. They took the article down. It was a recap of tonights episode. Slate did this last week and someone was able to screenshot the whole recap before they took it down. Here is what it says under the link. It's not the whole article but it is a real spoiler. So don't click on it if you think I'm kidding and are the kind of person who will regret it. I love spoilers so I'm cool with it. DON'T CLICK ON IT IF YOU DON'T WANT FO BE SPOILED.

'Breaking Bad' showdown begins
NBCNews.com (blog) - 16 hours agoFor a brief moment on the To'hajiilee Indian reservation, Hank Schrader had everything he wanted on "Breaking Bad": Heisenberg in handcuffs and enough proof to send him away for the rest of his life. (However long that might be, given the return of his ...


Frankie probably had a spare key since he's the train assistant.
