I love this movie

When this movie came out, I was not sure why I went to see it. I don't particularly
like the movies done by these guys, but something just made it look interesting to

I thought it was wonderful. Very provocative, funny, scary, clever ... and I loved the
music too.

I see all this stuff about religion as almost a fight of our minds to find a set of rules
so we can not think. We can go on automatic and somehow rest and be virtuous.
But there is no such thing.

Maybe the embrace the mystery meme has to be set against the fact that sometimes
the mystery is a giant storm that might completely destroy everything ... how do you
embrace that. There simply is no way to understand life, but it cannot hurt to be kinder.

The awe of the universe and life is fearful and beautiful, and you never know what
is going to happen to you, and somehow these horrible things happen, and things
would be so much better if people would just be nicer to each other.


Very nicely said.


I agree with loving the film..Larry really had all the answers to his issues and yet was so insecure he kept going to people who had no answers. They were all more screwed up than Larry was...Larry just needed to believe in himself which he never seems able to do. And I truly believe we have so often had a Sy Dis Ableman in our lives...ugh...
