Bad, bad, horribly BAD!

I've seen some bad movies in my lifetime. Really, really bad movies. I've sat through 'Killer Klowns from Outer Space' TWICE, and I'd rather see it a third time than watch 'Devil's Diary' again. I've been a Alexz Johnson fan since her 'So Weird' days and I feel sorry for whatever or whoever conned her into starring in this horrible film. Poorly written and badly acted this film makes little to no sense.


Oh common, it wasn't that bad. It actually was pretty interesting and there were some good actors in this film. The film did make sense if you actually payed attention and had a pretty good story line.

"Cause you're all I want. You're everything"


You've got to be kidding? I 'payed' (sic) attention. There were more plot holes than swiss cheese has. The story line was a joke and so predictable that I knew exactly what was going to happen 90% of the time after watching the first 15 minutes. The stealing of the book. The more corrupt 'Heather'. The not-priest coveting the book. All of it was so telegraphed it was pitiful.


She needs the money for studio wasn't tottaly bad, but i liked it alot. I think they shoudl've dyed Alexz's hair black honestly. I'm surprised she took this role...shes pretty smart when accepting roles. Alexz did a good job though.


I agree. Im a huge Alexz Johnson fan, and a huge Degrassi fan. Oddly enough, I think they chose just about the best actresses from the two shows to be in the movie. Sadly, there was no amount of good acting that could have saved this movie. It was horribly written and had me thinking "Wtf, why would this even happen" the entire time. Especially when....


Miriam's character was totally choked to death like that. I mean seriously, it was just ridiculous how she died. And the way the priest just burst into flames. I was like "Say what?!" the entire time. After the movie was done, I totally felt like i should have been in the same ward that Alexz's character (Nicky) ended up in.




I thought the paint was peeling from the sealing it was so funny! Alexz, though, was really good in her role.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space is a cult classic masterpiece...


I thought the movie was pretty good I enjoyed Miriam, Deanna, & Alexz I think they all did good jobs

"The Future Husband of Christina Milian"


I actually just saw the movie and I have to say for what I was expecting I was pretty disappointed. I mean, I went in understanding that it was a TV movie, but this wasn't what I expected.

I love Alexz. She's an excellent singer and I know shes a really good actress.
I feel that this movie suffered from less than average writing, so that falls on the writers' heads as well as producer/director. I hold no blame for Alexz because there's only so much she can do with the lines they give her.

I also feel like this movie is a rip off of the Death Note series, and I understand that everyone rips someone else off sooner or later and sometimes they make it work. I knew it was basically Death Note dumbed down going in, but I hoped they could work something new or interesting, and..well they didn't.

I feel if the writers had put a little more thought into the script (maybe more so in the dialogue *cough cough*) it could have been tons better. It's sad when movies fail because of bad writing. *Sigh*

Oh well. In the end I watched it. I made it enjoyable for what it was.


I actually just saw the movie and I have to say for what I was expecting I was pretty disappointed. I mean, I went in understanding that it was a TV movie, but this wasn't what I expected.

Exactly! I feel the exact same way, Anthony. You can't really except too much since it was a TV flick, but it's a movie you wouldn't dare to watch more than once unless your all over the actors that played them in general. True, I watched for Deanna, but it wasn't in her element of acting as far as I was concerned. Alexz, though, ruled in this movie! I think she found her natch outside of playing on the guitar belting songs. Miriam, was flat in this movie unfortunately, I really couldn't get into her being a bad girl at all. Maybe with better material she could pull it off next time, but not in this movie.


For a TV movie, I thought it was great! Alexz and all the other actors were pretty good, too!


i agree with ofuoku71. i think it was great, i really enjoyed it and i think everybody acted very well in it.


Alexz rock and the movie was great.

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." - Mel Brooks


Exactly! I feel the exact same way, Anthony. You can't really except too much since it was a TV flick, but it's a movie you wouldn't dare to watch more than once unless your all over the actors that played them in general. True, I watched for Deanna, but it wasn't in her element of acting as far as I was concerned. Alexz, though, ruled in this movie! I think she found her natch outside of playing on the guitar belting songs. Miriam, was flat in this movie unfortunately, I really couldn't get into her being a bad girl at all. Maybe with better material she could pull it off next time, but not in this movie.

Exactly. I just watched it last night and I couldnt believe how horrible the scting was. Especially from the people that I know can act. (Alex, Miriam, Deanna, even Brian) he's freaking Leo from Charmed. I hope that this is one of those movies that everyone forgets and it doesnt ruin their careers.


I thought it was good,but then again I think Alexz is a great actress.This movie was pretty good in my opinion.If you never seen Zombie Nation,then you don't even know the meaning of bad movies.Watch that,then watch Devil's Diary again.Tell me which is better.

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." - Mel Brooks


I thought the movie was pretty good, but I wasn't expecting much of anything. I think the people who are disappointed are those that were actually expecting a good movie, which is kinda foolish considering the network/genre/etc.
