the ending...

does anybody know how it ends? i fell asleep 15 minutes before it was over. boo.


its not even out yet




well i saw a sneak preview of it. but fell asleep. hence why i asked.


Funke confronts Marlon and his group in the Principal's office about their scheme, only to nearly be tossed out a window by Marlon, who is convinced everyone will think it's a suicide. However Funke manages to turn the intercom on, so that the whole school hears Marlon's confession.

Funke is saved at the last minute by a group of friends, sucker punches Marlon out cold, and shoots down Francesca when she attempts to seduce him into trusting her again.

I guess that's the ending.


Actually Funke turns the speaker system on when he enters the room without the others realising.


Personally, I loved the ending because Bobby was pretty much a follower when Francesca came into the picture. He became a dog on a leash too just like Paul. Francesca told him to do something, he did it. I'm dead serious. Picture both of those guys getting seductive belly rubs by Francesca. I'm glad he stood up for what he believed in and didn't fall into her mess. Besides, Clara ended up tugging on his leash away from the she-devil Francesca. I was shocked and digusted by her. And the worse part about it is Bobby's friends told him that girl was using him(like just throwing him a bone) and he didn't listen. All he did was let her tug on his leash, and when he engaged in intercourse with her, I was even more digusted. He was like a dog begging for a steak, literally holding his hands up and sticking his tongue out. Pathetic! Think about it! I think this movie had an important message "Be a leader, not a follower," especially when Clara told Bobby "Forget it, Funke. It's just high school."



Bruce Willis turns out to be a ghost.





If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0



"It's ok to play with dolls!"


Forget it, Courz, it's just a movie.
