MovieChat Forums > Our Brand Is Crisis (2015) Discussion > Who is actually going to watch this?

Who is actually going to watch this?

I couldn't help but think that a film about US campaign advisors involved with a foreign election would interest very few people. I don't know who greenlit this film, but I hope they didn't budget it higher than 40 million or they're not going to break even.


It seems like one of those annoying films that they tell you that you are supposed to like it...I even hate the title.


There's something strange going on with this movie. Trailer just before the release date, limited promotion. It's like they weren't sure whether to release it now or postpone it and finally decided to dump it and cut their losses.


Looks worth watching to me, though I am a political science major who has worked on campaigns, so obviously I already like this kind of stuff.
And sometimes the setting of a movie isn't the main draw but the story they've weaned within it. Take the movie Rush for example, do I care at all about race car driving? No, but the story of the two drivers within that setting was interesting. Sure a popular setting will draw more initial crowds but a good story will keep the numbers growing.
That said, I've only seen the trailer for this, so who knows how it fares on the story front, but they had me at Sandra bullock and campaign.


Rush is probably not a great example, seeing how it was about race cars and the extravagant lifestyle of F1 racers in Europe. I'm not the biggest fan of car racing either. Yes, the style and story of the Austrian racer Niki Lauda persevering through the severe burning was inspiring.

However, my issue with Our Brand is Crisis is that first of all, a foreign election is a hard sell. Trying to make a rivalry exciting is a hard sell. Billy Bob Thornton is not who I would've cast opposite Sandra Bullock, who is coming off a very hot streak of films including an Oscar winning film: The Blind Side, Gravity, The Heat. He is probably more talented than he gets credit for, but he is no longer a box office draw.

Tom Hanks is currently headlining another film about a foreign conflict in Spielberg's Bridge of Spies. But what I would compare this film to is Charlie Wilson's War. Written by Aaron Sorkin, directed by Mike Nichols, it also starred Hanks, Julia Roberts and Philip Seymour Hoffman as a fervent passionate analyst. All-star cast and talent behind the camera. It was a hard sell, but was based on a true story and person and pertinent to modern day Taliban issues because of the US abandonment of Afghanistan after Russia was repelled. I don't see this film being anything close to as good as Charlie Wilson's War. I don't think there is an audience for this type of film.


I'm gonna see it...... But I get what you're saying. I think subconsciously for me a lot of the draw for going to see it is knowing that there won't be many people in the theater and the ones that are wont be the kind who talk or text during movies. I also love the writer of this film. And I like the title.


I'd watch Ms. Bullock take a dump --- which is true realism btw since she has probably done that more than having sex


I wanted to see it until I saw some reviews. Now I think I will wait for it on Netflix, if it ever makes it there.




This guy. 

And I quite enjoyed it. 

🇧🇪 Proud Heart of Europe. Now and always Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken.
