MovieChat Forums > Twitches Too (2007) Discussion > question about the girl's magic...

question about the girl's magic...

since they said "we give you everything!", does that mean that Cam and Alex don't have their magic anymore. did they give it back to their father.

and what about Alex... she gave her magic to Thantos... how does that work out?


was it me or did the movie seemed slightly rushed...?

and how did Cam's ex and friend find out they were witches? i didn't figure that one out... its like... ok we know...

and does Alex ever start calling Cam's dad, Dad?

I hope thier is a Twitches 3, i feel a lot of things where let out and that we didn't get to see all we could see. what do ya'll think?




Im guessing when they said "we give you everything" it was more like a energy shift, Because Alex said it to Thantos and it brang him back to life(but he was still his powerful self) and when they said it to their father it was 3 times the energy which came from Alex Camron and Maranda

I don't think Cam's friend and ex-boyfriend found out on their own
They were there for the wedding so they must have told them because they wanted more people to be there for Ileana and Karsh considering they don't have friends because they think they are dead

As for Alex calling Cam's dad DAD
They never really said it
Maybe they will in Part 3
If it's true that they are planning for one in 2009




Acutally during the wedding where her friends were there. Her ex boyfriend friend was like,"arn't you freaked out. And her best friend said, "why should I be freaked out, I am just jealous that she has this much room in her closet". So they didn't actually know they just thought that her closet was big. Or maybe they did know and she was just jealous that she gets a big closet as a witch.


I think since they where all holding hand the magic just radiadated between the four


yea but thantos said...

"one daughter releases the "something" spell"
"and the other gives your mortal enemy all 'her' magic."

so wouldn't that mean that alex lost her majic to thantos... this is where i am confused.

and then when miranda, cam, and alex said we give you everything... first off wouldn't alex have nothing to give... and second off wouldnt that mean that they lost their magic to and that aaron had all the magic now?

i dont know it doesn't make much since to me.

but i am glad their dad is alive, after 21 year's, they get to be a family again, awwww so sweet...!!!!


I'm confused about it myself but i just went along with and everything. I took as she didn't actually give him everything (despite her choice of words)and that her powers eventually recharged or something. Still it was a good movie.


I think it also goes back to that light thing from last movie about love


augh... i just still don't get it...

somebody out there has got to no a little more about this then i do... so what was the deal?



no really... for me it doesn't make since.

how can you give magic you don't have anymore.

that is the exact impression you are going to give someone when you mention these three things...

the spell "i give you everything!"
alex: "i gave dad my magic", hahaha you mean thantos!
thantos: "and one girl gives your mortal enemy all her magic!"

what am i supposed to think, what is everybody else supposed to think. it doesn't make very much since... nope nope, none at all.

any more opinions?!?!



i dont think that is the case...


They gave their real dad that "love>=magic" type of energy, which was way stronger than real magic. After Thanos was defeated, I assume it was a simple matter to get Cam her powers back...they were hers, after all.

Just cause they didn't show it doesn't mean it didn't happen. They didn't show the twins telling their friends about the whole magic/Coventry/wedding thing, but they both were there at the end. They didn't show Illeana turning Karsh's mom into a goat, either, but she did...


It was Alex who lost her magic. And they did explain the whole Karsh's mom thing. They didn't how ever explain if and how Alex got her magic back and how their friends found out about Coventry. So yea I mean there just questions that I keep asking myself that I wish were better explained.


Do they really need to show you the girls telling their friends about Coventry??
No, they just did

People keep explaining and explaining

Alex gave Thantos her Love Magic(Thats why you see destroyed the Shadow and he got his Magic back)
Thantos says "All her magic" not her "Power"
When they gave Aron "Everything" it was the same case also the there was an eclipse thing and i guess it was disguised as night and Alex is more powerful when the sun isn't out, you do that math
The love that Alex had for him, Cam and Miranda's power destroyed the shadow and he was human again

Anymore questions???
I think that was a pretty clear explination


whats the difference between "magic" and "power"? i don't see how the two differ, and i still don't understand how it works...


- A specific capacity, faculty, or aptitude
- The ability or capacity to perform or act effectively

- The art that purports to control or forecast natural events, effects, or forces by invoking the supernatural

Alex is the moon child
So when the eclipsed(performed by Thantos becoming human again and the darkness coming over Coventry once again) disguised the sun to look like the night Alex had the Power within her to help restore Aron


This also kinda confused me...but the way I see it:

The transference spell doesnt literally take all of the power from you and put it into the person you're transferring. It gives the person all the same powers as when Alex says "I give you everything" she's saying "I'm giving you all of the same power I have" Cause I doubt they'd just end the movie with her having no more powers.

I'm waking up with the midnight sun


i just wish they would of explained it more.

Disney_Maniac, what you are saying makes since... i just wish it would of been explained more apropriatily.

you know?!?!
