Twiches 3 ?

I just watched Twiches two do you think they will do a Twiches 3- 10 just wondering the movies are really good


This one was far for enjoyable than the other one for some reason. . .anyways, I doubt that they'll make another one because it seemed like they closed the story but who knows, right?

"The future is not written in stone"
~ Claire Bennett


I'd heard that there is a plan for a third one in 2009, but I haven't an idea what the plot might be.

I'd honestly LIKE a third movie, but I'd prefer it end here just in case the third one would be cheesy and push it. They'd probably make it about the twins ascending the throne to take over Coventry or something, and Cam's all for it but Alex is reluctant to stay in Coventry 'round the clock, etc.


Twitches 3?


LoL Take it you won't watch it if it comes out then.


if they do make one (which they probably will), i don't think Tia and Tamera will participate in it.


That'd be so weird to have a different set of twins as the twitches. I am not even sure who would do it? Tia and Tamara are just unique in their own way.

Anyway, if anyone watched the DVD alternate scene, they showed Miranda's evil twin sister showing up and then saying you can't get rid of me that easily and then poof, she disappeared. So maybe there will be something with that happening if they do Twitches 3

"Don't milk the cat!"


I'm sure they will be a third.
